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Definition: A·pril (ˈāprəl) n.
- the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar.
- associated with the season of spring in the Northern hemisphere and autumn in the Southern hemisphere.
Interesting fact about April:
- April starts on the same day of the week as July in all years, and January in leap years. April ends on the same day of the week as December every year.
Zodiac Signs:
- Aries (March 21-April 19)
- Taurus (April 20-May 20)
- Daisy (associated with purity and innocence)
Holidays (and there are lots more):
- National Autism Awareness Month
- National Donate Life Month
- Occupational Therapy Month
- Stress Awareness Month
While the above is interesting, April is truly full of surprises! In fact, April is just like life – unpredictable in so many ways. It may snow, rain, or be beautiful and sunny! It may be windy and grey, bees looking for flowers, or you might wake up with a bird’s nest with eggs by your front door! Definitely full of surprises but it makes senses. April is named after the Greek god Aphrodite, the Roman god of love. April was originally spelled Aprilis and means “to open.” To further add to the craziness of April, when you think about the Zodiac signs, you begin to understand the state of confusion. Aries the Ram, a Sun sign which is ruled by the planet Mars, the Roman god of war. Taurus the Bull, an Earth sign which is ruled by the planet Venus, the Roman goddess of love, Aphrodite. Love and war. Sun and Earth. Ram and Bull. Aries and Aphrodite. Watch out!
For me, April is a
reminder of new beginnings. When you see the tulips and daffodils
blooming in your yards, the tree starting to bud and flower, and the grass
starts to turn green, all signifies growth. Sometimes things don’t go as
planned so we have an opportunity to grow and reflect on what happened.
Sometimes things are delayed so we have to work on our patience. And,
then there are times when we really screw up and have to own up to our
Ouch, but again, it is an opportunity for growth and learning.
We also have moments when all goes well and we smile and pat ourselves on the
back for a job well done. But, that did not happen by accident! We
had to apply ourselves, plan, and work extra hard to accomplish our goal.
We have applied what we have learned and reflected on from past events to
minimize any potential defeats or mistakes that could occur or obstruct our
path to achieving our goal. Every hardship, dormant times, or
uncomfortable moments, we grow from the experiences. We are building our
resiliency so we can persevere. April means a fresh start and to be open
to what is to come.
The other thing I did not mention about April above is it’s birthstone, the diamond. Diamonds, the hardest mineral on earth, symbolizes honesty, perfection, and opportunity. The energy from a diamond is said to attract wealth, courage, and faithfulness. When you put Aphrodite and diamonds together, well, what’s not to love about April even when times are challenging?
I share these thoughts
with you because I want you to know that it is important to do what you love,
to have courage to take a chance or start something new, and to know that every
opportunity you have makes you, well, you!
Being able to be a part of a
start-up company that provides a venue for professionals to share best
practices that ultimately will drive outcomes, improve how we feel about the
services we provide to our patients and clients, and know that there is a
support network to help each other be the best service professional possible,
brings me such happiness and a true sense of fulfillment.
Even in the
chaos and unpredictable moments we have had, these new beginnings have helped
me to grow as a person and to cherish this time.
I am forever grateful to
have had this opportunity to continue to grow and learn and be surround by such
amazing business partners, contracting staff, and content creators. Our
company continues to grow each day. Come join the fun and chaos! I
promise that you will have plenty of opportunities for growth and learning
regardless of your role with 3C – and you will love it because you are doing
what you want!
Connect, Communicate, and Collaborate. That is the 3C way.
~ Tami Bradham
©Photo by CrystalPoteat from Getty Images via
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